The Governing body of St bonaventures are consulting on their proposed admissions arrangements for the 2026-27 school year.
Proposed changes from the existing arrnagements include:
a) the introduction of new oversubscription criteria for: chidlren who are a memebr of an Eastern Christian church, children of anotehr faith, chidlren of a member of school staff, within each category.
b) the introduction of a new supplementary inforamtion form (to help process applcations from those applying under the religious and/or staff categories).
c) A new in year applcation form (reflecting the above new criteria, for those applying for admission 'in-year- i.e. during the school year and not at teh start of the reception year)
d) the use of a random number generator to help rank applcatiants, rather than drawing lots.
e) a revised defination of home address to include any address where the child spends any part of the week.
Comments are not being sought on the rest of teh arrangements.
You are invited to provide any comments you may wish for consideration on the proposed arrangments by 12:00pm noon on 20th December 2024. Final arrangemetns will be determined by 28th Feburary 2025 and will appear on the school website by 15th March.
Comments should be sent to Kate Lavington, Chair ofGovernors, at or by post to St Bonaventures, Egerton Road, Bristol BS78HP