Each day will consist of planned craft activities, cookery, plenty of outdoor play and free play.
TIMINGS AND COSTS Full Day Session - 8:30am - 5:45pm £33.00 per session Short Day Session - 10am - 4pm - £26.00 per session
Bookings and payments should be made on School Gateway by Friday 14th February.
We provide 2 snacks a day, this consists of savoury items accompanied with fresh fruit and vegetables.
Lunch - we ask that children bring a packed lunch and water bottle with them (unless stated otherwise) We do not allow any products that contains peanuts/ any other nut products, including nutella.
ALLERGIES/ DIETARY NEEDS Please let us know of any allergies, dietary needs or medical needs we need to be aware of.
COLD / WET WEATHER In the event of rainy/ cold days, please ensure your child has a rain coat and sensible footwear as we will continue to play outdoors, unless the rain is heavy.
CLOTHING Please do not wear your best clothes! We encourage all children to join in with the craft and cookery which can get messy.
FIRST AID AND PHOTOGRAPHS We will always have first aid trained staff onsite. We will be taking photographs of our activities throughout the sessions, please inform us if you wish for your child not to be included in photos as they may be used in future newsletters and advertising.
TOYS FROM HOME Please refrain from bringing toys from home as we cannot ensure they will not get broken or lost, we have plenty of toys, games and resources onsite.