When you first join KidZone, you will need to fill in a registration form that will provide our team with information on your child & your contact details. KidZone also draws from the main St Bonaventure’s Catholic Primary School registry, so please ensure that you keep your contact details up to date with the school too.
What about my child’s medical needs?
To let us know about your child's medical needs, we ask you to fill in a healthcare plan or administration of medicines form. However, and as with your contact details, we also draw from the main St Bonaventure’s Catholic Primary School registry when assessing your child’s medical needs. Please ensure that you keep your child’s medical details up to date via the main school office -while also informing the after school club team, and ensure that all medication is in date.
What does KidZone do with fees I pay?
KidZone operates as a self-sustaining, not for profit entity within St Bonaventure’s Primary School. A significant percentage of your child’s attendance fee is spent on paying the wages of our team. Our next greatest expenditure is resources, toys, sports equipment, craft materials etc. These are purchased to make the club more enjoyable for your children. A percentage of the remaining fee is used to purchase snack, send our team on training and cover miscellaneous costs.
How do you serve snack?
Snack is served as a buffet giving children the freedom to pick out their preferred fruits and vegetables. Children then gather in small groups to sit, eat and socialise. In the warmer months, we encourage children to take their snacks outside. Drinks are available at all times thought the day.
Can I park in the school car park? No, parents are not permitted to drive into or park in the staff car park at any time during the day. There have been several times that it has been difficult for staff to leave the school and it is a potential hazard to children leaving our care.
We recommend that if you are travelling by car, you park outside of our walking zone, with care and consideration for our neighbors. Our ‘walking zone’ is available from our school website.
What about the weather?
Here is how we let the children shine outdoors whatever the weather.
Heat: Children are encouraged to take regular shade breaks during high temperature and encouraged to drink frequently. Parents are asked to apply long last sun cream before sending their children to school.
Rain: We do play in the rain. We do not play in heavy rain nor will we stay outside for a prolonged period of persistent rain but providing the children have coats on, we will try and get out at every available opportunity.
Cold: If we deem the temperature to be cold enough for coats, we ask children to put their coats on before going outside. If a child gets hot whilst running around outside we let the child take their coat off. We try and let the older children use their initiative. As a result we allow key stage two children outside in cooler temperatures without a coat then we do key stage one children.
Do I need to tell anyone if my child is going to be absent from after school club?
Yes! Our team attempt to ascertain the whereabouts of all of the children that are registered with the club on a given day. This includes and is not limited to speaking to teachers, support staff and phoning parents and carers. It can be an extremely time consuming process that is easily avoided. Please send a text to the club mobile if your child is going to be absent.
How do children get to the After School Club?
Reception, Yr1 and Yr2 children are collected by a KidZone team member. Children in Key Stage 2 make their own way to the club and are signed in upon arrival by a KidZone team member.
Why is there a late fee?
KidZone charges a late fee in cases of persistent or significant lateness. Late collation negatively impacts the club as a whole, as the team are not able to reflect upon the day properly and it can have knock on consequences. In cases of significant lateness the fee is used to pay the wage of those working overtime. KidZone takes great care of your children and a part of our cultural is mutual respect between all parties, persistent lateness undermines this.
Do you accept donations?
Yes, donations or the sale of second hand toys, in good condition, are always considered and welcome.